Motor Starters Part 6: Variable Frequency Drives

You may have heard the term Variable Speed Drive Motor (VFDs) before and wondered what they do. Or perhaps you're considering replacing your existing motor starter with a newer version that uses 

VFD technology. If so, this article will help clear up some of the confusion around these devices. 

We'll talk about why electric drives are important for industrial applications, how they work and what benefits they offer over other types of motor starters.

Why Use Electric Drives?

Variable frequency drives (VFDs) are used to control the speed and direction of electric motors in many industries. They can be found in manufacturing, mining, oil and gas, food processing, pulp and paper, steel and other metal industries.

VFDs work by varying the frequency of an AC power source to match with that of an AC motor's operating frequency. 

This allows you to control how much torque is being produced by your motor without having to change its voltage or current levels--which means no more bulky transformers!

How VFDs Work

Variable Speed Drive Motor is used in a wide range of applications, from HVAC to centrifugal pumps. They're used in high-frequency applications and low-frequency applications alike.

The basic idea behind any VFD is that it can be programmed to run your motor at a desired speed without having to physically change the motor's rotational speed by hand. 

This means that you can use one VFD to control multiple motors with different torque requirements. 

For example, if you have three different sizes of pumps on site and all need different amounts of power from their respective motors (which would require them running at different speeds), then using a single variable frequency drive will allow you access all three without needing additional equipment such as fuses or circuit breakers!

Variable Speed Drive Motor

VFD Benefits

  • Reduced energy consumption. A VFD can help you reduce your electricity bills by as much as 30 percent, which is a significant savings for any business or organisation.
  • Increases motor lifetime. Because it operates at lower speeds and consumes less power, a VFD-controlled motor will last longer than one that is not controlled by one of these devices. In addition to extending the life of your equipment, this also reduces maintenance costs over time because you won't need to replace worn out parts quite so often.
  • Reduced maintenance costs and noise pollution caused by motors running at high RPMs (revolutions per minute) all day long every day year after year without stopping for even a second! The result? Lower noise levels in factories across America!

Key Takeaways of Variable Frequency Drives

Variable frequency drives (VFDs) are used to control the speed of a motor. 

VFDs have many benefits, including increased efficiency and reduced maintenance costs. They also help reduce energy consumption by minimising the amount of time motors run at full load while increasing their lifespan through smoother operation. 

VFDs are used in many different industries for everything from ventilation systems to robotic arms!


We hope this article has helped you understand the benefits Variable Speed Drive Motor. If you're still unsure whether or not they are right for you, contact professionals today.


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